If you love Lego like we love Lego, you love creating your own backgrounds and designs to print unique cards and broadsheets.


Create your own line art or use some of ours, then learn how to carve linoleum blocks that you’ll use to print cards or posters on our vintage presses.

Vintage Cuts + TYPE

We have a wide variety of vintage cuts from the early days of printing that you can choose from to create your own custom prints. Combine your choice of cuts with wood or metal type to create your own unique cards or posters.

You supply the ideas…we’ll provide the materials.

Our two-day workshops are designed for groups of 4 adults and offer a unique hands-on printing experience in our letterpress shop using vintage, and specialized equipment. You will be creating your own unique prints like a poster, or set of greeting cards. Our workshops are priced for a group of up to 4 people (not individuals), so whether there are 4 people in your group or just one, the price of the class is the same…so gather your friends and save!

Our one-day classes are designed for 2 people, and only 2 hours. You will get an introduction to letterpress, setting vintage type and printing a poster to take home.



2-day workshops are $600 and consists of two, 3-hour sessions. (non-consecutive days)

1-day Intro to Broadsheet classes are designed for 2 people, 2-hours, $120 per person. Vintage handset type printed on a flatbed press.


Classes are scheduled individually with each group so, fill out the form below, indicate which class you are interested in, and we will contact you to schedule.